Protecting your privacy is our prime concern and very important to us. The following policy will helpyou understand how Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd. collects, uses and safeguards your personalinformation on our website.
When browsing our site, you are required to log on with your log in Id and password provided byyour administration staff or by staff of Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd.
As a Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd. site member, administration staff can choose to completetraveler online profile by providing us with travel preferences, frequent - traveler or affinity numbers,credit card billing information and other personal information. This information is primarily used toassist you in making reservations quickly without having to type in the same information repeatedly.In order to purchase travel and/or related services through our site, user must provide us withpersonal information such as your name, Payment Method Credit/ Advance Float or credit cardnumber and expiration date, credit card billing address, Date of Birth in case of child, telephonenumber, e - mail address and the name or names of the person(s) traveling .We may also ask youfor other personal information, such as your frequent traveler numbers. We require this informationto share with the service providers like airlines, hotels etc. to process, fulfill and confirm yourreservations and transactions and keep you informed of each transaction's status. If you are makinga reservation for one or more travelers other than yourself, you must confirm and represent thateach of these other travelers have agreed, in advance, that you may disclose their personalinformation to us.
We automatically log generic information about your computer's connection to the Internet, which wecall "session data", that is anonymous and not linked to any personal information. Session dataconsists of things such as IP address, operating system and type of browser software being usedand the activities conducted by the user while on Tripncare website. An IP address is a number thatlets computers attached to the internet, such as our web servers, know where to send data back tothe user, such as the pages of the site the user wishes to view. We collect session data because ithelps us analyze such things as what items visitors are likely to click on most, the way visitors areclicking through the site, how many visitors are surfing to various pages on the site, how long visitorsto the site are staying and how often they are visiting. It also helps us diagnose problems with ourservers and lets us better administer our systems. Although such information does not identify anyvisitor personally, it is possible to determine from an IP address a visitor's Internet Service Provider(ISP), and the approximate geographic location of his or her point of connectivity.
If you are not registered with Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd for any online service you browse thisSite anonymously. We do not collect personal information -- such as your name, address, phonenumber or e-mail address -- if you are only browsing this site. We do, however, use "cookies" tocollect information about how our site is used. Information, such as the server your computer islogged onto, your browser type (for example, Netscape or Internet Explorer), and whether youresponded to an Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd banner ad or e-mail is collected and tracked inaggregate and not linked to you personally. We use this information to measure response rates tobanner ads and e-mail offers. If you would like to get more information about cookies, please clickhere about Cookies.
Registration for Online Products and Services
If you want to apply for or take advantage of our online products or services, we will need you to giveus some personal information, including your e-mail address and contact details. We only collectinformation about you, which we need to process your request, to service your needs, to offer newproducts and services, and to satisfy legal requirements. We will also use this information forpurposes such as correspondence or to participate in online surveys etc. We will also share suchinformation with our affiliates and other for the purposes described elsewhere in the privacy policy.
Before you can send confidential personal information or account information to us on the PlacidTripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd web site, we require that a "secure session" is set up using Secure SocketLayer (SSL). For further information about SSL and the safety and confidentiality of personalinformation transmissions over the internet, please read the Security Q & A's. Whenever we handleyour personal information, we limit access to customer information to those who need it to do theirjobs and meet our customer servicing commitment to you. We use a range of security processes toprotect the confidentiality and security of your personal information.
We use your information to process your request for products and services you have requested.
If you are a registered user of an Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd online service, we may now or atsome time in the future combine information about your use of this Site and our online service withother online and offline information we have about you as an Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltdcustomer as well as information lawfully available from other organizations. We will use thiscombined information to customize your online experience and present you with relevant online andoffline offers and updates. We also use a "cookie" to enable our server to recognize you as aregistered Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd online service user when you re-enter our site. If youwould like to learn more about cookies, please read about cookies for detailed information.
We may also use your information to measure consumer interest in our services and inform youabout other products and services. For example, if we obtain your email address we may use it tosend you offers we think you might be interested in. These offers may be based on information youprovided in your initial transaction with us, or in surveys, from information that may indicatepurchasing preferences and lifestyle, as well as information lawfully available from otherorganizations. These e-mail offers come directly from Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd. When wesend you e-mails, we may be able to identify information about your e-mail address, such aswhether you can read graphic-rich html e-mails. If your e-mail address is html-enabled, we maychoose to send you graphic-rich html e-mails.
We hope that many customers will appreciate receiving details of these carefully designed emailoffers. However, we clearly recognize the importance of providing you with choices by giving you aneasy means to "Opt Out" from receiving e-mail offers. All you have to do is let us know that you donot want to receive offers by e-mail. You can do this at any time by contacting us at the followingaddress:
Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd, by simply sending us an e-mail to All e-mailoffers that you receive from us will let you know how to "Opt Out" from receiving further e-mail offers.
Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd gives you a long-standing commitment to protecting personalinformation of our customers and prospective customers. This section explains how we share yourpersonal information with others.
In some cases we contract with other companies to perform services for us. Examples of this includepassport and visa services, processing orders, providing marketing support, deliveries, marketresearch, collection agencies etc. We provide them only with such information about you as theyneed to perform their services, but we impose strict requirements of security and confidentiality onthem in how they handle your personal information. Also they are not permitted to use informationabout you for any purpose except to perform the services we have asked them to provide.
We may send you offers by e-mail or other direct marketing methods (i.e. mail, fax or phone) aboutproducts and services offered by our business partners. When we do this, we keep control over yourinformation, which is not disclosed to our business partners unless you have expressly authorized usto do so or you take advantage of their offer.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that we do not give your e-mail address to our business partners.
Please keep in mind that if you take advantage of an offer from Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltdbusiness partner and become their customer, they may independently wish to send offers to you. Inthis case, you will need to inform them separately if you do not wish to receive future offers fromthem. In all cases our goal is to deliver offers to people who we believe will find them of value. Ourcommunications are developed and managed under strict conditions designed to safeguard thesecurity and privacy of customer personal information.
Information concerning your account(s) may be provided to credit reference agency(s) as permitted by law.
In all other cases, we will not disclose your personal information unless you have been previouslyinformed or have authorized us to so do, or if we are required to do so by law. If an order of a courtor government authority requires us to disclose information about you, we will do our best to notifyyou of this promptly, to give you an opportunity to exercise your legal rights. The only exceptions tothis policy are when the order or law prohibits us from notifying you or when there is suspicion offraud or criminal activity.
We will keep information for as long as it is necessary to service your account or to continue toprovide products and services you have requested. We will retain information for a reasonableperiod if you cease to be our customer, unless the law requires us to keep it for longer.
We do not use this Site to knowingly solicit information from or market to children or young personsunder the age of 18.
A registered user on the Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd site has access to personal informationstored in the profile and can edit/change the information at any time . Alternately you can contactPlacid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd, 23A, 2 nd floor, Royd Street, Kolkata 700016, India or by simplysending us an e-mail to
If you do not want to receive Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd mail or telemarketing offers pleasecall the help line number +91 (033) 4603 6143
We will use this area to note changes to our Internet Privacy Statement, to keep you fully informedabout how we protect your privacy and your choices about our use of your personal information formarketing.
A cookie is a text file on your computer that reminds our system of your particular browserpreferences and security requirements and lets Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt. Ltd know exactly whoyou are. If your browser prompts you when a cookie is "served", you must accept it or access toconfidential information will be denied, because we will not be able to ensure that the information isbeing sent to the proper person/s. Since cookies are site specific, only Placid Tripncare Travels Pvt.Ltd can access, decode, and make use of the information.